An interview with Dillon Vance, Co-Owner

What made you decide to get into the business of food/drink?

Sometimes, opportunities come your way, and the decision is easy.

Why Reno?

Dustin and I are from Truckee, and I wanted to bring rolled ice cream to my home region, without suffering through Truckee Winters!

Why are you excited for Reno Restaurant Week?

It feels like Reno Restaurant week is perfectly timed to celebrate the reopening of our town and a return to normalcy. With all of Reno’s big events being canceled for the Summer, it feels good to be a part of an event. 

What is one thing you’d like your guests to know about you and/or your establishment?

We are a young company, less than four years old, and family owned. Most people assume we are a franchise, which is sort of a nod towards our success, but its just a Tahoe-raised pair of brothers running a company that is exclusive to Reno.

How are you complying with safety guidelines for COVID-19?

We initially closed all of our dining areas down and switched our ice cream over to pick-up only. Additionally, we closed our restroom to our customers and have been taking additional precautions with personal protection to include: masks, more frequent changing of vinyl gloves, and persistent surface sanitization.

2020 RRW Menu

Rolled menu

Author: Cheree Boteler