Below are the current statistics^ for Hungry in Reno’s digital platforms.
Website Visitors | 1,000 +/- per month increases to 3,000+ May-June | |
Website Page Views | 4,400 +/- per month increases to 15,000+ May-June | |
1,458 subscribers | 39.6% open rate 5.9% click rate | |
5,750 followers | 1.4% | |
332 followers | 12.5% | |
2,537 followers | 6.8% | |
41 followers | 8.2% | |
YouTube | 6 subscribers | 8 average video views per month |
TikTok | 2,057 followers | 237 average video views per post |
^last updated January 2024
These numbers are only inclusive of Hungry in Reno and do not include statistics from any other Hungry In brand.
View average industry rates for e-mail via Constant Contact.
According to Hootsuite in February 2023, most social media marketing experts agree that a good engagement rate is between 1% to 5% (view report).