Brasserie Saint James

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Place Category: 2024 RFDW

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Reno Food & Drink Week Special





1 Reviews on “Brasserie Saint James”

1 reviews
  • Robert

    This was the first place I decided on going when I looked through the menus. That ceviche looked pretty good, and they actually know how to do the math. We aren’t drinking right now so they made us the special cocktail in a non-alcohol version. It was just what my wife wanted. She ordered up her favorite thing on the menu, the Argentinian Flank Steak and I settled into my ceviche and just ordered up a water.

    The woman serving us was really nice and checked back on us a few times. I have always loved how the Brasserie looks during the day with light streaming into the building from all angles. Reno has few architectural gems when it comes to restaurants and this is one of them. All the stone and wood surfaces and textures cannot be beat or improved upon.

    My ceviche was delightful, not too salty, which can be a problem with this dish at some places. The flavors were understated and were exactly what I needed for my seventh day in a row doing RF&DW restaurants. My wife of course loved hers and took some for lunch the next day. I did steal a bite of the mashed potatoes and BOY were those good.

    I will definitely come back again. Sooner rather than later because osme of the drinks on the menu were really interesting.

    1. Cheree Boteler Listing Owner

      So glad you enjoyed the ceviche and how wonderful that they made you a special “mocktail”! Thank you for submitting this detailed review, you’ve received one raffle entry into the 2024 Reno Food & Drink Week raffle! (P.S. their flank steak is also a fav of mine)

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